Safeguarding Information for Clubs
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Everyone should understand the importance of keeping people safe within our game. Herefordshire Cricket is committed to ensuring that everyone has a safe, welcoming and positive experience. We comply fully with the ECB Safe Hands Policy – this is the England and Wales’ Cricket Board’s policy. It promotes good practice, helps raise awareness and ensures people know what to do if they have any concerns about children or about the behaviour of adults in cricket. ECB Safe Hands Policy
We ensure everyone who works in cricket (such as staff, officials, volunteers, team managers, coaches and so on) have a responsibility for safeguarding and understand how the “Safe Hands Policy” applies to them. We also ensure they are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines and relevant legislation and are provided with support, through education and training, so they are aware of, and can adhere to, good practice and Code of Conduct guidelines defined by the ECB Safe Hands Policy.
Herefordshire Cricket Safeguarding Statement
All Cricket Organisations should have a qualified Safeguarding Officer as an essential part of their safeguarding structure. If your Organisation does not have an appointed Club Safeguarding Officer it should appoint one as soon as possible.
Training for Club Safeguarding Officers
Club Safeguarding Officers are required to hold the following three certifications:
1) Safe Hands qualification (ECB course run in partnership with the NSPCC).
The ECB Safe Hands Workshop provides advice on the CSO role, along with the requirements and responsibilities of child safeguarding. This is a face to face course and last approximately 3 hours.
Please register using your full name, as it appears on your DBS certificate and ensure you register using an email address that is unique to you.
2) An ECB DBS Vetting Check.
ECB DBS is now completed online, this is a far quicker process than the old paper system. To create an online ECB DBS form the following information is required:
Full Name (including Title)
Date of Birth
Preferred Email Address
Club associated with
Role which requires a DBS e.g. All Stars Activator, Junior Manager, Umpire
..and should be emailed to Claire Langford
3) Safeguarding for Specialist Roles (SSR)
This is a free online course, which takes approximately one hour to complete, and you can save your progress at any time. Please complete this online course if you have not completed Safeguarding Young Cricketers (SYC) or SSR course in the last three years.
You can register for the SSR here. If you have already completed the Safeguarding Young Cricketers online course in the last three years, there is no need to repeat the course until it expires.
Every three years, requirements 2 and 3 must be updated, your DBS lasts for 1 year only.
Claire Langford
County Safeguarding Officer 01432 803640
Herefordshire Cricket Limited
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